Serving Tallmadge, OH since 1943


Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors is a non-profit organization that works with families and individuals who are in an emergency or crisis situation, by providing food and other support. Good Neighbors Inc. is one of the community organizations that Our Lady of Victory works with closely. For more information on Good Neighbors, please view their website! 

Ministry to the Homebound

Our Eucharistic Ministers take Jesus in the Eucharist to those who are homebound, or in nursing homes, each week. The relationships formed by these encounters are invaluable! If you or someone you know is homebound and in need of this ministry, please contact Linda Herold. 

Grief Counseling 

For those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, please ask about Our Lady of Victory's grief counseling and support groups. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry 

This group meets weekly to knit prayer shawls for those who are in need of prayer. They distribute these shawls to those who are sick, those who are hurting, or even to a new staff member! These ladies are prayer warriors. 

 Project Rachel 

 "It is normal to grieve after an abortion. This site provides information and resources to help those who are hurting psychologically": 


For more information on these and other outreaches of the parish, please contact Linda Herold